zondag 23 februari 2014

A true tourist!

So yesterday I spent the day with my friend Anna.
She's staying in Camden town, and I took an early tube to get there and browse around the famous (and a bit notorious) Camden Markets!!

The place where Lions know how to sing...(look closely at the microphone) 

Where every chair once was part of a motor vehicle...

Where  Amy Winehouse still has swag .......
Where the geese roam...

And starlings sing

Camden Market was fun!! 

We left Camden town and took the Northern line to London Bridge. We walked along the Thames and had lunch in a pub called The Anchor. Where we enjoyed a burger with some fries, while enjoying men yelling at the Chelsea - Everton match. 

We decided to cross the Thames and MY GAWD!!! It was really cold....Crossing the millenium bridge. ;-)  but what a view!

So we crossed the bridge and made it safely to the other side.

We headed straight for St Paul's cathedral where we spotted a Cherry Blossom, so we had to stop obviously to capture this incredible moment!!!

We decided to spent the hours at the Museum of London.

I have to say...I didn't really like this museum that much. Compared to the other museums London has o over, this one is not in the top 5. Sorry Museum of London...4 out of 10 Cherry Blossoms.
 On that note, have a good weekend!

(Don't forget! New Walking Dead episode tonight in the US, tomorrow in the UK and in the Netherlands on Tuesday!)

Love, Flo

donderdag 20 februari 2014

Miss Fancy

I've got to say, I looked good in a tight business dress with high heels. I'll be honest it wasn't as comfortable as my jeans or my floral dresses but it felt good to look fancy like that!

I had my own name tag ( I felt so special) and all of these people were really important and from all over the world! In a million years I never thought I'd be helping out at a World Congress.
But it was a once in a lifetime opportunity and it felt great being a part of it, even though my role wasn't important compared to theirs (they being the important people attending the congress).

One thing I have to get off my chest though was one of the fooddishes they served at the event. A silver platter filled with 3 types of cheese. Goat cheese, Blue cheese and...some type of cheese I cannot remember the name of. Anyways the way the cheese was dissplayed on the platter was hurrendous!
It almost seemed as if someone had tossed the cheese into a bucket and decided to empty the whole thing above the platter. The various cheeses scattered around like that wasn't very appealling and I'm not surprised that no one, and I mean NO ONE ate the cheese (except the woman who was in charge of the food...)
And to make it worse (yes it gets worse) various nuts and selery was scattered through the pile of cheese....Really? Really though?
Some people should not be in charge of food especially people who honestly believe that their Gouda cheese is real Gouda cheese... Mental.

Today I have a day off, which is great because my feet hurt like hell after standing on heels from 7 am till 8 pm and I'm not vene getting paid (How crazy am I?)
Still I had a great time and that's all that matters in the end :)
(+ my cab driver was cute).

Let's close this entry with one of my favourite songs!

Love Flo

dinsdag 18 februari 2014

Turtle on the tube

I hate riding the tube in the morning...and evening.  Somehow I always end up standing or giving up my seat to someone who needs it more than I do.
Its a smelly business this underground thing,  luckily I'm 5"10 so the stinky sweaty armpits from others don't really bother me.

Today however there was this boy who had on his back one of the most impractical but brilliant backpacks on his back... A ninja turtle backpack! And I don't mean a kiddy pack with a picture of the 4 ninja turtles, no I mean a genuine bright green turtle shell shaped backpack! (Those of you who watch Jenna Marbles know what I mean).
Bless this boy for being fabulous! Even though I reckon most of the passengers were willing to murder his shell.

maandag 17 februari 2014

Jersey Boys and Walking Dead! YES!

I went to Jersey Boys Saturday (the musical about the 4 Seasons) and...I loved it. Not my favourite, but nonetheless I really enjoyed the show! Jon Lee played Frankie Vallie, and it wasn't until I got home and googled Jon Lee, that I found out he was a member of S Club 7!
Now for those born in the 80s and perhaps even the early 90s might remember S club 7.
*Sings* "Don't stop never give up, hold your head high and reach the top."
Back to the musical.
*Sings* "Shheeeerrryyyyy, Sherry baby."

Moving on to Sunday. I went shopping with my mother and grandmother. (Because of my Greek Grandma, who speaks no English or Dutch, I'm learning more Greek at the moment than expanding my English vocab....That was not suppose to happen).
I bought 3 new dresses for the upcoming event on Wednesday (I'll only wear one dress though), because it's a World Congress I need to look smart and...well let me tell you .... this woman did not look smart enough for such a big thing.

Also Walking Dead episode number 10 is here! Can I get a Hallelujah? My brother was kind enough to download it for me so I could watch it .... I'm so happy :D (Loved it, Loved it!).

On that note, have a great week and enjoy the following song :)

Love, Flo

zaterdag 15 februari 2014

Going to Jersey!

I'm going to Jersey!....Jersey boys that is, the musical. Today at 3 pm!
Can't wait to go, I simply love musicals! Ever since I was little! I have seen loads, but my two favourites are:

  • The Phantom of the Opera (which I saw when I was...I think 7?)
  • and Elisabeth (I think I love this one the most out of the two)
So today Jersey boys!

Now a small recap of the week! How quickly it went by and how busy it was!
Next week I'll be going to an event with work (because that is part of the job I'm doing there), I'm sooo excite! (<< excited) The event will end in the Tate Modern, a modern art museum along the Thames. 

Yesterday was Valentinesday and I met up with my good friend Anna, who is also here in London for a few months. she gave me a rose and a heart plague for Valentines day! the silly sod... So I bought her lunch,

Another special day today, the 15th! 
Today me and my boyfriend are together for 5 years! Sad part is that I am here in London and he is in our house in Holland. I'm quite sad I don't get to spend the day with him, but luckily he will fly over two weeks from now :)

To end todays blog, a lovely love song that I love very much! (it's a bit old, but it is from the movie Tootsie, which is an awesome movie and if you haven't seen it yet...well go watch it!)

love Flo

dinsdag 11 februari 2014

Week one is done!

I'm not counting the days until I go back home. In fact I'm counting the days until I have to leave this place (did that sound right?).
I'm kidding actually, I've only been here for a week and many more will come.
My first weekend in London was great! I went shopping in Brent Cross (have been doing shopping there for as long as I can remember), had the most FANTASTIC burger ever!! and got some new tops and a new pair of shoes from Aldo!
And on top of that, had dinner in a pub (called the Flask) in Highgate. (Great food!)

Moving on!

Sunday I did absolutely nothing, because why not take a day to relax? Actually I spent most of the day writing, as I always do when I have a moment of free time and sulking over the fact that the Walking Dead season 4 episode 9! aired that night on FOX and I had no possibility to see it because;
A. This is not the USA
B. It aired here in the UK on 10th feb on FOX...a channel we don't have!
C. airs tonight on Dutch FOX...Which I do have only i'm not in the Netherlands at the moment!!!
*cries in a pillow*

Work is still a delight at the moment, I feel like part of the team. They even told me to drop my current education and become one of the logistic girls.
I'd like to point out (to my teachers) that everyone at work is wondering what I am even doing here, when my English is (and I quote!) better than theirs.
(Of course they know I'm here to learn more, but I simply wanted to point this out for a moment thank you very much). ;-)

On current news affairs. The planned strike for tomorrow is cancelled! HOORAY!

Time to log off now. Enjoy the following song (also heared on Walking Dead season 3, eps 1).

Love, Flo

donderdag 6 februari 2014

Just a day at the office

First day of work!
Had to get there via the underground so it was quite hectic. So I decided to do the most clever thing I could think of, which was acting like a true Dutchy.

I made sure I was on time. That I would be positioned right in front of the door and like a ninja cat sneak quickly inside.

Standing inside an overly crowded tube is not advicable unless your a tall like me, so you can still get a bit of air.
Luckily I made it in time and I got the meet my new collegues.

They placed me in the logistics department and Ive got my own desk and laptop to use. The two women that work with me are great fun and they made me feel very welcome (as did everyone else).

I left at 4 because of the underground strike, but getting back this time proved to be more difficult. Luckily there is no strike tomorrow! Hurraaayyy :)


Picture included is my workingspace.

woensdag 5 februari 2014

Hello London!

So here I am. London, England. I left home at eleven am. and arrived in London at 15:15 (GMT-time).
The flight was in one word...annoying. I cannot believe the rudeness of passengers (which is not even an hour).
The passenger in front of me (a Dutch woman), she moved her seat from the upright position to like 90 degrees back...RUDE!!! and the people behind me...they were singing and tapping their legs and hands...RUDE!!! Turns out these boys and girls are an upcoming music band?
I could care less...if Rihanna or any other musicians was on the plane I wouldn't want them to sing, would you??

Anyways enough of that rant :) I got my luggage, found my dad (who just arrived from a business trip from Tokio) and we were driven home by one of the company's chauffeurs. Which is very bizarre, I never had a chauffeur before. He was incredibly polite, called me Miss and opened the door for me...it was weird.

Got home, kissed my stepmum and brother and unpacked my suitcase and just closed my eyes.
(later that evening my stepgrandma and stepgrandpa came for visit, haven't seem them for over ten years plus they're Greek so they don't speak English...And I don't speak more than 10 words of Greek...so hurray!) Gonna learn some Greek while I'm here too :)

Thursday I'll start my first day of work, soooo excite! (Hope I can get there because there is a strike going on at the moment...)

Love Flo

zondag 2 februari 2014

Leaving on a Jet Plane

Only two more days until I leave. All the bags are packed (well...one big suitcase!), ready to leave for London and then next month I'll be heading to Tokio.
It's not even Tuesday and already I feel sad about leaving everyone that I love behind, even though it is only for a couple of months.But I've got my trusty laptop, which will keep me in touch with everybody :)

My suitcase is filled with tons of clothes, shoes ( I packed 4 pairs...perhaps I should take some out...and some clothes as well, ahum).
But most importantly, I've got:

  • My books > S. by J.J. Abrams. + An abundance of Katherines by John Green and finally, Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern. 
  • My notebook so I can write (I will not survive without being able to scribble down thoughts and continue my writing)
  • And my camera to make lovely pictures and upload vids on YouTube.
I honestly could care less (well maybe a bit) about the clothes and shoes, as long as I have these objects with me.

Anyways, no more time for this :) Let's do this! London and Tokio here I come!!!

John Denver - Leaving on a Jet Plane
