zaterdag 15 maart 2014

Ueno zoo!

Tuesday I went to Ueno, to visit the Ueno zoo.
One of the things Ueno zoo is known for is for the two Giant Panda's they've got, so naturally I was very eager to see them!

But first I had to get there....
Now for those of you who know the Japanese underground system, you know ow very hectic it can be...and how confusing it is as a foreigner. Even if you have some experience with the underground (such as London) You can't compare the Japanese underground with that.
I spent the first few days in Japan trying to decipher the underground. How does it work, how does the ticket system work.
The Japanese do try to make it easy for foreigners, they offer English menu in the ticket booth and on the signs they write the train lines in western letters.
Still it is very confusing, if you don't pay attention you can walk right past your station (and even if you do pay attention you might miss it haha). Just always make sure you know where you have to go! Write down the details of where you want to go, so you can show this to others should you need help.
Remember most Japanese people read English better than listening and speaking it!! Don't be one of those people that keeps talking in English! You'll only make them uncomfortable, and they do really want to help you. Just point on a map where you want to go or have a translation booklet with you.

Anyways, back to the zoo!
After getting lost in the park (which is ridiculous, I know), I finally made it to the zoo :)

Then this happened....

No pandas....!!! SOB! *cries in the corner*
I'm a sad panda...
They better make one cute baby!

Moving on!

There is one thing I have to get off my chest regarding certain....things. I noticed a couple of sick animals. (I have 2 degrees in Animal management, and worked at a zoo for 3 months. Trust me on this). Also many of the animals are alone, (a lot of these should live in groups). 
So my tip for Ueno Zoo, please keep the sick animals out of sight from the visitors! I got quite upset a couple of times, (especially when I saw the zebra with its incredibly overgrown hooves!).

Overall the zoo is quite nice, since it's in the middle of a big city I think they did a good job on it. 
Not to mention the price! it's only 600 yen! (which is like 6 dollars in the USA and 4.5 Euro). Where I live we pay around 15 euro's sometimes even more! for a visit to the zoo :O 

And that was Ueno Zoo! 
Come back tomorrow for a new update about... The Cat Café!


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